Landline (9.30am – 4:00pm):

0151 709 2994

24 hour line:

07740 149899


FFFJ Invitation

by | Jan 31, 2023 | Blog, Upcoming Events | 0 comments

Families Fighting for Justice would like to invite you to a project that is being put together as an opportunity to participate in research on government policies relating to the Victim’s Personal Statement, it will give you a chance, an opportunity to discuss your experience of submitting your VPS and criminal justice and sentencing process

This will give you a chance to have your voice heard.

I am sure as most of our beneficiaries will agree that there are changes within the system that need to change.

If you would like to participate please inbox us with your phone number or call us on 0151 709 2994 as availability will soon be filled. Then we can give you the time and date. It will be held at The HUB, 6 Anson Street, L3 5NY. The professional who is leading this is a criminologist researching for economic and social research to investigate how homicide bereaved families experience submitting a VPS as well as their experience of the Justice System generally.

Light refreshments will be available.


Contact the Hub

Landline (9.30am – 4:00pm):

0151 709 2994

24 hour line:

07740 149899
